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Stuart R. Gallant, MD, PhD

Dr. Atul Gawande tells a story about negotiating his first job offer after completing his surgical training [1].  The chairman of the surgical department of Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital offered Gawande a position, then the chairman asked him how much he wanted to be paid.  Gawande stalled the question by asking how much surgeons usually make.  But the chairman responded, “Look, you tell me what you think is an appropriate income to start with until you’re on your own, and if it’s reasonable that’s what we’ll pay you.”

To be fair, as Gawande tells the story, this was only his second interview, and presumably he did not realize that he was about to receive a job offer.  Gawande was unprepared and had to do several days of research to arrive at an appropriate figure.

Today’s post on Discussing Terms addresses preparing to negotiate.  We discuss some key points to think about while getting ready and provide a worksheet to aid in your preparations:

Know Yourself and Know the Other Party

The photo above shows the defenses of Port Arthur (present day Dalian, China) at the time of the Russo Japanese War.  By current day standards, it was a relatively short war.  Japan declared war in February 1904 and laid siege to the key Russian base at Port Arthur in August of that year.  By May of 1905, Russia had suffered three stunning defeats—Port Arthur had surrendered in January, the Japanese Army defeated the Russian Army at Mukden in March, and the Japanese Navy defeated the Russian Navy at Tsushima Straight in May.  It was an historic military victory—one that resulted in a favorable peace settlement for the Japanese side at the negotiation of the Treaty of Portsmouth in August 1905. 

The negotiation at Portsmouth did contain a small but important victory for the Russian side courtesy of the Russian lead negotiator Sergei Witte.  Witte knew that the Battle of Mukden had been shockingly costly to both the Russian and Japanese sides.  It was a massive clash involving more than 600,000 combatants and lasting more than two weeks.  The Japanese had eventually won, but at the cost of more than 15,000 Japanese dead and almost 60,000 wounded.  In the days leading up to the negotiation, the Russians moved four new divisions into Manchuria—the Russian clear threat was that if the negotiation was not satisfactory to the Russian side, the war might resume at who knows what cost.  Then, Witte made his move at the bargaining table.  He offered additional territorial concessions, but absolutely refused war reparations, and threatened to walk out of the talks.  His stratagem worked—the final treaty contained no requirement for the Russians to pay war reparations.  His ploy was successful for two reasons:  he knew what he wanted (no reparations), and he knew what the other party feared (a return to war)—he was in that sense prepared for the negotiation.

In the first section of the worksheet, there are a list of about 25 questions to be used in preparation for any bargaining session.  Of course, only a small number of these questions are pivotal.  For example, one common type of negotiation is contracting for manufacturing services between a pharmaceutical company and an active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturer.  In this type of negotiation, the negotiation is simple:  1) the pharmaceutical company writes a request for proposal (RFP) that outlines every key requirement for manufacture of the drug; 2) the RFP is shared with multiple manufacturers and acceptable responses are compared; 3) a contract is negotiated which embodies the proposal, as well as.  In this case, the pivotal questions in preparation revolve around writing the RFP and selecting the candidate manufacturing firms.  As you prepare for your negotiation, decide which are the pivotal questions for your situation.

Your Negotiation Plays

In any negotiation, you will have a mix of complex emotions related to your desires, fears, and the stress of the moment.  To prepare for the negotiation session, it makes sense to have preset “plays,” just like in football.  These are questions and statements that you have planned out ahead of time to elicit helpful information from the other party and move the negotiation forward.

An example of the use of “plays” comes from the Watergate Scandal.  Watergate was set off by a burglary of the Watergate complex in Washington, DC (seen in the aerial photo above) and ultimately led to the resignation of American president Richard Nixon.  During the Watergate investigation, a critical revelation was the existence of a taping system in the White House documenting ostensibly private conversations in held in the Oval Office.

The existence of the taping system became public during questioning of former Whitehouse assistant Alexander Butterfield by a lawyer for the Senate committee investigating Watergate.  Any discussion which involves the authority of the legal system is a kind of negotiation. When Deputy Minority Counsel Donald Sanders began to question Butterfield, they were exchanging Butterfield’s honesty for the Senate’s promise of non-prosecution.  As one question followed another, Sanders realized that there must be some kind of recording system in the White House.  Eventually, Sanders asked Butterfield if such a system existed, and Butterfield replied, “I wish you hadn’t asked that question, but, yes, there is [2].”

In that sense, both Sanders and Butterfield were running “plays.”  Sanders had prepared a list of questions in advance which led him to the revelation of the taping system.  Butterfield had likely prepared in advance that he would not volunteer information about the taping system, but he was prepared to give the information up if asked.  Such in-depth preparation is common prior to giving a deposition— has previously posted on deposition preparation [3].

Run Things by Counsel

So far, we have discussed things you can do yourself, but you may need to consider bringing in outside counsel, either in the form of an actual attorney or perhaps in the form of a subject matter expert, or just a friend.  Running your thoughts on the negotiation by a disinterested third party has two benefits.  First, they may see facets of the negotiation that you missed or got wrong.  Second, by stating openly and in confidence, your negotiation position, you commit yourself to the position emotionally—this means that you will be more likely to stick to your guns when the negotiation gets difficult.  DiscussingTerms has previously posted on the use of counsel in negotiation [4].


In the 2006 hostage negotiation drama Inside Man, the criminals play recordings of former Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha’s political speeches to confuse police officers listening in via hidden microphones.  When the police figure out the scheme, the following conversation ensues:

Detective Frazier:  They’re playing tapes for us now?

Detective Mitchell:  They knew we were gonna bug them.

Detective Frazier:  Damn right they knew.  And they knew how.  Worse than that, they wanted us to bug them so they could send us on this wild goose chase.

That was a good negotiation play from the hostage taker’s point of view.  The hostage takers prepared for the police and led them down the garden path.  If you prepare for your negotiation, perhaps you can do the same thing.

[1] Gawande, A.  “Piecework,” The New Yorker, 27 March (2005).

[2] Honan, W. H.  “Donald G. Sanders Dies at 69; Brought Nixon Taping to Light,” The New York Times, 29 September (1999).

[3] Gallant, S. R. “Documenting Your Intellectual Property and Defending It,” PharmaTopo, 1 January (2022).

[4] Gallant, S. R. “Use a Wingman,” Discussing Terms, 17 December (2022).

Disclaimer:  DiscussingTermsTM provides commentary on topics related to negotiation.  The content on this website does not constitute strategic, legal, or financial advice.  Consult an appropriately skilled professional, such as a corporate board member, lawyer, or investment counselor, prior to undertaking any action related to the topics discussed on

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Negotiation Tip – Making an Offer Mon, 09 Jan 2023 17:28:40 +0000 Stuart R. Gallant, MD, PhD There are two reasons that people are hesitant to make…

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Stuart R. Gallant, MD, PhD

There are two reasons that people are hesitant to make the initial offer in a negotiation.  First, they may be unsure of the market value of the item they are trying to buy (or sell).  They are worried of significantly under or overstating the item’s value.  The fear is that the negotiator will telegraph to the other party that they are unprepared for the negotiation—and therefore ripe to be taken advantage of.  Second, the negotiator is worried that the other side will talk them down from their offer—that they will be “ground down” during the negotiation process.  The fear is that the other party has the power in the negotiation, and as a result, the other party will eventually get what they want.  Today’s post addresses the process of making an initial offer, discussing these and other fears.

Preparing to Negotiate

Preparing for a negotiation is a five-step process.  The steps include:

  • Think about your personal/your organization’s goals—what do you want to achieve in the next few years?  Starting with this step puts the negotiation in perspective.
  • Think specifically about your goals for the negotiation:  what is the best possible outcome you reasonably expect (one end of your range) and what you cannot tolerate (the other limit of your range, “your limit”).  This may require some research (i.e., step 3).
  • What is the market of the object?  You can use many resources to answer this question:  internet, the other side’s competitors and customers, your friends and work acquaintances, industry pricelists and databases, comparable sales, etc.
  • Does the other party see things differently?  Understanding the other side’s motivations is critical to a successful negotiation.  Do they have an emotional connection to the object?  Does this deal mean that they will be leaving or entering a particular area of business—how will that affect them financially and organizationally?  What do you know about what their range might be?
  • Talk to your team, a friend, or a spouse about your goals for the negotiation.  Studies show that talking about goals helps humans invest in them emotionally and stick with them during difficulty.  Talking about the negotiation ahead of time will help you stick with your plan during the hard parts of the negotiation.

Making an Offer

The 2018 film Beirut is a movie about hostage negotiation.  In the climactic scene, two characters haggle over a hostage payment.  Skiles makes an offer, aware that the price he earlier negotiated is out the window because he is dealing with a new man he has not spoken with previously.

Skiles:  This is it. All I got.  ($2 million.)  I’m topped out. Deal speaks for itself.

Kidnapper:  You wouldn’t open with your best offer if your life depended on it.

Skiles:  Two point two-five.

Kidnapper:  Five million.

Skiles:  Three.

Kidnapper:  Four and a half is my floor.

Skiles:  Point blank, I have $3.9 million exactly.

Kidnapper:  Going once.

Skiles:  Why should Bashir be the only person to profit?

Kidnapper:  Going twice.

Skiles:  If you take the three-nine right now, I swear I will tell Bashir you settled for three-five.  You can go back to Arafat with your head held high and $400,000 in your pocket.

Kidnapper:  Deal.

What is driving Skiles in this scene?  First, he is spending someone else’s $4 million—he is willing to go up to that level, but he does not have any more money after that.  He has no incentive to spend less (none of the money will end up in his pocket), but he absolutely needs for the negotiation to succeed (he has no backup plan).  Starting at $2M allows him the room to negotiation inside of his range.  As he reaches his limit, he skillfully offers a consideration to the other negotiator which seals the deal.

So, what are the options for making that first offer?  They include:

  • Wait for the other side to make an offer.  When you really do not know what the stakes are, there are advantages to waiting.  If you go first, then you could make a foolish offer—significantly far away from what the other side has in mind.  However, by remaining silent, you take a risk.  They could low-ball you, and you would have left a lot of money on the table.  This is called an anchor.  Even if the negotiation continues after the anchor is offered, and the deal improves, the deal can only move so far from the anchor—limiting the value you will receive.
  • 60/80/90/Go.  When I was younger and traveling with friends in Central and South America, we would keep our money divided in convenient amounts in different pockets in case we had to do any bargaining—we did not want to pull out a big roll of cash.  For this method to work, you have to have an idea of a reasonable price for you to pay for an item.  First, you offer 60% of your price.  The seller reacts.  If there is no deal, you can come up to 80%.  If you still do not come to a deal, then you can come up to 90% of your reasonable price, but make as if this is really hurting you.  You can start to walk away at this point (either literally or rhetorically).  Sometimes that stratagem triggers a concession.  If not, there is still 100%.
  • Focus on something else.  This strategy works best in salary negotiations.  It is common for an HR person in the initial interview of a job candidate to ask about salary requirements.  In spite of the troves of information that is available online, it can be hard to establish a good range when things like hiring bonus, commission, stock options, time off, and benefits start to come into the picture.  As a result, answering HR’s question can be hard.  Instead of naming a range, come back with, “I would like to be hired with a title of….”  Since many companies have salary ranges assigned by position, you have answered their question—at least within their company.
  • Start off small.  I frequently negotiate agreements for contract manufacturing of pharmaceuticals.  Particularly, if both parties are new to each other, constructing a large manufacturing deal can be a challenge.  There are so many variables and so much risk—in order to have drug ready for shipping, there must be:  transfer of manufacturing procedure at small scale, transfer of analytical methods, scale up to full scale, the manufacturing run itself, packaging and labeling, and testing of the pharmaceutical.  Often, starting off with the first steps (small scale process and analytical method transfer) allows both parties to feel comfortable with each other before committing to the higher cost of full-scale manufacturing.  However, if you go with this approach, there is a significant risk—to prevent a bad deal down the road, you must have a fallback plan.  For example, in the pharmaceutical manufacturing world, you must have an alternative manufacturer lined up.  This allows you to walk away if the later negotiation with your initial manufacturer goes poorly.

Make Your Offer Look Good

Frequently, there are aspects of a deal that cost you little or nothing but provide reassurance to the other party.  One way of making a successful deal more likely is to play up these aspects of your offer.  You have financing already in place.  Your offer is all cash.  Your side is prepared to sign as soon as certain details are clarified.

This strategy requires empathy on your part.  What is the other side looking for?  How can you make your deal look as much like what they want as possible?

Also, if you are looking at their initial offer, beware of hidden unpleasantries.  As an example, in the pharmaceutical contract manufacturing business, the sponsor needs the raw data from the manufacturer.  Usually, raw data is supplied free or at some nominal charge.  An illustration of a hidden unpleasantry would be significant add-on charges for the raw data to be supplied by the manufacturer.  These kinds of concealed penalties need to be neutralized as they appear in the negotiation.


The negotiation process involves four steps:  1) preparation, 2) initial offer, 3) bargaining, 4) closing.  Ideally, you would perform all four steps with precision and skill, but that is not always how things go.  For example, perhaps you allow the other side to open, and you realize that they have anchored at a value that is very disadvantageous to you.  You can correct this by addressing the issue directly.  You say something like, “Clearly, we are very far apart,” or “This is a premium service.  Our clients pay significantly more than that.”  You have neutralized their anchor, and now it is your turn to place your anchor.

All of this should be done directly, with good humor, and a clear intention to resolve problems in the negotiation.

Disclaimer:  DiscussingTermsTM provides commentary on topics related to negotiation.  The content on this website does not constitute strategic, legal, or financial advice.  Consult an appropriately skilled professional, such as a corporate board member, lawyer, or investment counselor, prior to undertaking any action related to the topics discussed on

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